
Selected Publications and Preprints


Single Cell Profiling and Genetic Analysis of a Novel SAN Differentiation System

Engel JL, Zhang X, Lu DR, Vila OF, Arias V, Lee J, Hale C, Hsu Y-S, Li C-M, Wu RS, *Vedantham V, *Ang Y-S. Single Cell Multi-Omics of an iPSC Model of Human Sinoatrial Node Development Reveals Genetic Determinants of Heart Rate and Arrhythmia Susceptibility. 2023. Jul 1. bioRxiv. 2023.07.01.547335 . *co-corresponding authors

This paper, a collaboration with the Cardiometabolic Disorders Group at Amgen, describes a scalable method to derive sinoatrial node pacemaker cardiomyocytes (PCs) from human induced pluripotent stem cells that recapitulates differentiation into distinct PC subtypes, including SAN Head, SAN Tail, transitional zone cells, and sinus venosus myocardium. Single cell (sc) RNA-sequencing, sc-ATAC-sequencing, and trajectory analyses were used to define epigenetic and transcriptomic signatures of each cell type, and to identify novel transcriptional pathways important for PC subtype differentiation. Integration of the multi-omics datasets with genome wide association studies uncovered cell type-specific regulatory elements that associated with heart rate regulation and susceptibility to atrial fibrillation. Taken together, these datasets validate a novel, robust, and realistic in vitro platform that will enable deeper mechanistic exploration of human cardiac pacemaking and arrhythmia. In the future, we will use this platform for functional genomics and for detailed studies of SAN development, without the limitations imposed by in vivo models.

G-Protein Coupled Receptors in the Sinoatrial Node

*Ruan H, Mandla R, Ravi N, Galang G, Soe AW, Olgin JE, Di Lang D, *Vedantham VCholecystokinin-A Signaling Regulates Automaticity of Pacemaker Cardiomyocytes. Frontiers in Physiology Volume 14 - 2023 *co-corresponding authors.

Although G-protein coupled receptors are among the most common targets of FDA-approved therapeutics, the full spectrum of GPCRs that are differentially expressed in the SAN has not been thoroughly explored. In this paper we use RNA sequencing datasets published by our lab and other groups to catalog differentially expressed GPCRs in the SAN, including several orphan receptors with no known ligands and some receptors with ligands that have established chronotropic effects but through undefined mechanisms. We focus on a detailed characterization of the cholecystokinin-A signaling pathway, whose receptor (Cckar) is expressed in pacemaker cardiomyocytes while the ligand is expressed in the cardiac nervous system and in some SAN fibroblasts. Application of the ligand to isolated pacemaker cardiomyocytes slows spontaneous firing. We are grateful to our colleague Di Lang at UCSF for collaborating on this project. This work could form a foundation for future studies of GPCR signaling in the SAN and potentially for development of novel drugs to affect SAN function. 


Epigenetic Profile of the Sinoatrial Node

Galang G, Mandla R, Ruan H, Jung C, Sinha T, Stone NR, Wu RS, Mannion BJ, Allu PKR, Chang K, Rammohan A, Shi MB, Pennacchio LA, Black BL, Vedantham VEpigenetic Profiling of Cardiac Pacemaker Cells Reveals a Conserved Isl1 Enhancer That Regulates Sinoatrial Node Development and FunctionCirculation Research. 2020. 127:1502-1518

This paper builds on our previous work with pacemaker cardiomyocytes (PCs) by defining a set of cell type-specific regions of open chromatin using ATAC-seq on sorted mouse PCs labelled with fluorescent reporters. Using this ATAC-seq dataset, we identified and validated the first known SAN-specific cis-regulatory elements, including a deeply conserved enhancer that regulates the expression of Isl1 specifically in SAN tissue. Deletion of the Isl1-SAN-Enhancer from the mouse genome reduced Isl1 expression in the SAN and disrupted SAN development and function. Remarkably, the mouse SAN enhancer was active in pacemaker tissue in zebrafish, and single nucleotide polymorphisms near the syntenic element in the human genome are associated with human resting heart rate, providing evidence of the deep conservation of gene regulatory networks important for cardiac pacemaking. Read a companion article with reinforcing findings from Vincent Christoffels's group at Amsterdam UMC and a commentary on this article by Jeff Steimle and Jim Martin at Baylor. 


Gene Expression Profile of the Sinoatrial Node

*Vedantham V, G Galang, M Evangelista, *RC Deo and D Srivastava. RNA Sequencing of Mouse Sinoatrial Node Reveals an Upstream Regulatory Role for Islet-1 in Cardiac Pacemaker Cells. Circulation Research. 2015.  116:797-803.  *co-corresponding authors.

In this article, we used laser capture microdissection at several stages during mouse heart development to isolate sinoatrial node (SAN) tissue and right atrial tissue for comparative transcriptomic profiling. We found that pacemaker cardiomyocytes (PC) engage a hybrid gene expression program with neuronal and cardiomyocyte features, endowing these cells with their unique properties. Using a loss of function approach, we demonstrated that the transciption factor Islet-1 is persistently expressed in PCs and is required for activation of this distinctive gene program. This article was the first to comprehensively profile SAN gene expression and to demonstrate a role for Islet-1 in the SAN, a finding confirmed by this contemporaneous work from Sylvia Evans's Lab at UCSD. 



All Publications and Preprints


59. Garbutt TA, Wang Z, Wang H, Ma H, Ruan H, Dong Y, Xie Y, Tan L, Phookan R, Stouffer J, Vedantham V, Yang Y, Qian L, Liu J. Epigenetic Regulation of Cardiomyocyte Maturation by Arginine Methyltransferase CARM1. Circulation. 2024 Jan 15. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055738. Online ahead of print. 


58. Engel JL, Zhang X, Lu DR, Vila OF, Arias V, Lee J, Hale C, Hsu Y-S, Li C-M, *Vedantham V, *Ang Y-S. Single Cell Multi-Omics of an iPSC Model of Human Sinoatrial Node Development Reveals Genetic Determinants of Heart Rate and Arrhythmia Susceptibility. 2023. Jul 1. bioRxiv. 2023.07.01.547335 . *co-corresponding authors

57. *Ruan H, Ravi Mandla R, Namita R Ravi, Giselle Galang G, Amanda W Soe AW, Jeffrey E Olgin JE, Di Lang D, *Vedantham VCholecystokinin-A Signaling Regulates Automaticity of Pacemaker CardiomyocytesFrontiers in Physiology Volume 14 - 2023

56. Lee AC, Voskoboinik A, Cheung CC, Yogi S, Tseng ZH, Moss JD, Dewland TA, Lee BK, Lee RJ, Hsia HH, Marcus GM, Vedantham V, Chieng D, Kistler PM, Dillon W, Vittinghoff E, Gerstenfeld EP. A Randomized Trial of High vs Standard Power Radiofrequency Ablation for Pulmonary Vein Isolation: SHORT-AF. JACC Clinic Electrophysiol. 2023 Jul;9(7):1038-1047.

55. Kheiri B, Vedantham V, Scheinman M. A very wide complex tachycardia. Heart Rhythm. 2023 Jun;20(6):937-939. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2022.08.030. [case report]

54. Higuchi S, Ito H, Gerstenfeld EP, Lee AC, Lee BK, Marcus GM, Hsia HH, Moss JD, Lee RJ, Dewland TA, Vedantham V, Tseng ZH, Patel AR, Tanel RE, Badhwar N, Pellegrini CN, Kawamura M, Shoda M, Hwang C, Refaat MM, Scheinman MM. The Value of Programmed Ventricular Extrastimuli From the Right Ventricular Basal Septum During Supraventricular Tachycardia. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2023 Feb;9(2):219-228. doi: 10.1016/j.jacep.2022.09.005. Epub 2022 Oct 26.

53. Myadam R, Crawford TC, Bogun FM, Gu X, Ellenbogen KA, Jasti S, Chicos AB, Roukoz H, Zimetbaum PJ, Kalbfleisch SJ, Murgatroyd FD, Steckman DA, Rosenfeld LE, Garlitski AC, Soejima K, Bhan AK, Vedantham V, Dickfeld TL, De Lurgio DB, Platonov PG, Zipse MM, Nishiuchi S, Ortman ML, Narasimhan C, Patton KK, Rosenthal DG, Mukerji SS, Hoogendoorn JC, Zeppenfeld K, Sauer WH, Kron J; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Consortium. 2023. Risk of Adverse Outcomes Associated With Cardiac Sarcoidosis Diagnostic SchemesJACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2023 May 4;S2405-500X(23)00258-X.doi: 10.1016/j.jacep.2023.04.010.  Online ahead of print.

51. Howell SJ, Dukes JW, Vittinghoff E, Tang J, Moss JD, Lee RJ, Lee BK, Tseng ZH, Vedantham V, Olgin JE, Scheinman MM, Hsia H, Gerstenfeld EP, Marcus GM. Premature Atrial Contraction Location and Atrial Fibrillation Inducibility. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. In Press

50. Dewland TA, Gerstenfeld EP, Moss JD, Lee AC, Vedantham V, Lee RJ, Tseng ZH, Hsia HH, Lee BK, Wall GC, Chang KR, Yang MH, Marcus GM. Randomized Comparison of a Radiofrequency Wire Versus a Radiofrequency Needle System for Transseptal PunctureJACC Clin Electrophysiol. In Press.


49. Zhu L, Choudary K, Gonzalez-Teran B, Ang Y-S, Thomas R, Stone N, Liu L, Zhou P, Zhu C, Ruan H, Huang Y, Jin S, Pelonero A, Koback F, Padmanabhan A, Sadagopan N, Hsu A, Costa M, Gifford C, van Bemmel J, Huttenhain R, Vedantham V, Conklin B, Black B, Bruneau B, Steinmetz LM, Krogan N, Pollard K, Srivastava D. The Transcription Factor GATA4 Regulates Cell Type-Specific Splicing through Direct Interaction with RNA in Human iPS-Derived Cardiac Progenitors. Circulation. 2022. 146(10):770-787.

48. Bressi E, Crawford T, Bogun F, Gu X, Ellenbogen K, Chicos A, Roukoz H, Zimetbaum P, Kalbfleisch SJ, Murgatroyd F, Rosenfeld L, Garlitski AC, Soejima K, Bhan A, Vedantham V, Dickfeld T, DeLurgio D, Platonov P, Zipse M, Nishiuchi S, Ortman M, Narasimhan C, Patton K, Rosenthal D, Mukerji S, Hoogendoorn J, Zeppenfeld K, Sauer W, and Kron J. Arrhythmia monitoring and outcomes in patients with Cardiac Sarcoidosis: Insights from the Cardiac Sarcoidosis ConsortiumJ Am Heart Assoc. 2022. 11(13):e024924.

47. Siontis  KC,Santangeli  P, Muser D, Marchlinski FE, Zeppenfeld K, Hoogendoorn JC, Narasimhan C, Sauer WH, Zipse MM, Kapa S, Vedantham V, Rosenthal DG, Robinson MR, Patton KK, Murgatroyd F, Chicos AB, Soejima K, Roukoz H, Sacher F, Bhan A, Appelbaum J, Dickfeld T, Mankad P, Ellenbogen KA, Kron J, Kim HM, Froehlich J, Eagle KA, Bogun FM, Crawford TC. 2021. Outcomes Associated With Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia in Patients With Cardiac SarcoidosisJAMA Cardiol. 2022. 7(2):175-183.


47. Marcus GM, Vittinghoff E, Whitman IR, Joyce S, Yang V, Nah G, Gerstenfeld EP, Moss JD, Lee RJ, Lee BK, Tseng ZH, Vedantham V, Olgin JE, Scheinman MM, Hsia H, Gladstone R, Fan S, Lee E, Fang C, Ogomori K, Fatch R, Hahn JA. Acute Alcohol Consumption and Discrete Atrial Fibrillation Events. (2021) Ann Intern Med. 174(11):1503-1509.

46. Mandla R, Jung C, Vedantham V. Transcriptional and Epigenetic Landscape of Cardiac Pacemaker Cells: Insights Into Cellular Specialization in the Sinoatrial Node. Front Physiol. 2021. 16(12):712666. 

45.  Im SI, Voskoboinik A, Lee A, Higuchi S, Moss JD, Hsia H, Tseng ZH, Lee R, Marcus GM, Vedantham V, Scheinman M, Lee B, Park KM, Gerstenfeld EP. 2021. Predictors of long-term success after catheter ablation of premature ventricular complexes. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 32(8):2254-2261

44. Sanchez JM, Higuchi S, Walters TE, Vedantham V, Hsia H, Gerstenfeld EP, Badhwar N, Albona M, Njeim M, Scheinman MM. The Role of the Left Septal Fascicle in Fascicular Arrhythmias: Clinical Presentation and Laboratory Evaluation. 2021. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 7(7):858-870

43. Rosenthal DG, Fang CD, Groh CA, Nah G, Vittinghoff E, Dewland TA, Vedantham V, Marcus GM. Heart Failure, Atrioventricular Block, and Ventricular Tachycardia in SarcoidosisJ Am Heart Assoc. 2021. 10(5):e017692. 

42. Marcus GM, Dukes JW, MD, Vittinghoff E, Nah G, Badhwar N, Moss JD, MD, Lee RJ, MD, Lee BK, Tseng ZH, Walters TE, Vedantham V, Gladstone R, Fan S, Lee E, Fang C, Ogomori K, Hue T, Olgin JE, Scheinman MM, Hsia H, Ramchandani V, Gerstenfeld EP.  A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Intravenous Alcohol to Assess Changes in Atrial Electrophysiology. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2021. 7(5):662-670.


41. Oesterle A, Lee AC, Voskoboinik A, Moss JD, Vedantham V, Walters TE, Lee BK, Tseng ZH, Gerstenfeld EP, Scheinman MM. Electrophysiologic Approach to Diagnosis and Ablation of Patients with Permanent Junctional Reciprocating Tachycardia associated with Complex Anatomy and/or PhysiologyJ Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2020. 31(12):3232-3242. 

40. Galang G, Mandla R, Ruan H, Jung C, Sinha T, Stone NR, Wu RS, Mannion BJ, Allu PKR, Chang K, Rammohan A, Shi MB, Pennacchio LA, Black BL, Vedantham V ATAC-seq Reveals an Isl1 Enhancer that Regulates Sinoatrial Node Development and Function. 2020. Circulation Research. 2020127:1502-1518.

39. Voskoboinik A, Hadjis A, Alhede C, Im SI, Park H, Moss J, Marcus GM, Hsia H, Lee B, Tseng Z, Lee R, Scheinman M, Vedantham V, Vittinghoff E, Park KM, and Gerstenfeld EP. Predictors of adverse outcome in patients with frequent premature ventricular complexes: The ABC-VT risk score. 2020. Heart Rhythm. 17(7):1066-1074.

38. Zhang H, Ruan H, Rahmutula D, Wilson E, Marcus GM, Vedantham V, and Olgin JE. Effect of acute and chronic ethanol on atrial fibrillation vulnerability in ratsHeart Rhythm. 2020. 17(4):654-660.

37. Voskoboinik A, Hsia H, Moss J, Vedantham V, Tanel RE, Patel A, Wojciak J, Downs N, Scheinman MM. The many faces of early repolarization syndrome: A single-center case series. 2020. Heart Rhythm. 17(2):273-281.


36. Rosenthal DG, Parwani P, Murray T, Petek BJ, Benn BS, De Marco T, Gerstenfeld EP, Janmohamed M, Klein L, Lee BK, Moss JD, Scheinman MM, Hsia HH, Selby V, Koth L, Pampaloni MH, Zikherman J, Vedantham V. (2019). Long-Term Corticosteroid-Sparing Immunosuppression for Cardiac SarcoidosisJ Amer Heart Assoc. 2019. 8(18):e010952.

35. Cardona-Guarache R, Vedantham V, and Scheinman MM. Ischemia with marked ST elevation or J-wave syndrome? 2019. J. Electrocardiol. 55:26-27.

34. Samal E, Evangelista M, Galang G, Srivastava D, Zhao Y, Vedantham V. (2019) Premature MicroRNA-1 Expression Causes Hypoplasia of the Cardiac Ventricular Conduction SystemFront Physiol. 2019. 10:235.


33. Ito H, Badhwar N, Patel AR, Hoffmayer KS, Moss JD, Pellegrini CN, Vedantham V, Tseng ZH, Tanel RE, Hsia HH, Lee RJ, Marcus GM, Gerstenfeld EP, and Scheinman MM. Use of Programmed Ventricular Extrastimulus During Supraventricular Tachycardia to Differentiate Atioventricular Nodeal Re-Entrant Tachycardia From Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia. 2018. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 4(7):872-880.

32. Szilagyi J, Walters TE, Marcus GM, Vedantham V, Moss JD, Badhwar N, Lee B, Lee R, Tseng ZH, and Gerstenfeld EP.  Surface ECG and intracardiac spectral measures predict atrial fibrillation recurrence after catheter ablation. 2018. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 29(10):1371-1378.


31. Guo X, Vittinghoff E, Vedantham V, Pletcher MJ, and Lee BK. (2017). Trends in Hospitalizations for Cardiac Sarcoidosis in the United States, 2005-2011. Circ J. 2017. 81(11):1739-1741

30. Szilagyi S, Marcus G, Badhwar N, Lee B, Lee R, Vedantham V, Tseng Z, Walters T, Scheinman M, Olgin J and Gerstenfeld EP. Atrial Fibrillation Patients with Isolated Pulmonary Veins: Is Sinus Rhythm Achievable? Journal of Cardiac Electrophysiology. 2017. 28(7):754-761

29. Roberts JD, Gollob MH, Young C, Connors SP, Gray C, Wilton SB, Green MS, Zhu DW, Hodgkinson KA, Poon A, Li Q, Orr N, Tang AS, Klein GJ, Wojciak J, Campagna J, Olgin, JE, Badhwar N, Vedantham V, Marcus GM, Kwok P-Y, Deo RC, and Scheinman MM. Bundle Branch Re-Entrant Ventricular Tachycardia. Novel Genetic Mechanisms in a Life-Threatening Arrhythmia. 2017. JACC: Clin Electrophysiol. 3(3):276-288.


28. Nguyen KT, Gladstone RA, Dukes JW, Nazer B, Vittinghoff E, Badhwar N, Vedantham V, Gerstenfeld EP, Lee BK, Tseng ZH, Olgin JE, Scheinman MM, and Marcus GM. The QT Interval as a Noninvasive Marker of Atrial Refractoriness. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2016. 39(12):1366-1372.

27. Kawamura M, MM Scheinman, V Vedantham, GM Marcus, ZH Tseng, and N Badhwar. Clinical and Electrophysiological Characteristics of Incessant Atrioventricular Nodal Re-Entrant Tachycardia. JACC: Clin Electrophysiol. 2016. 2(5):596-602.


26. Vedantham V. New Approaches to Biological Pacemakers: Links to Sinoatrial Node Development. Trends in Mol Med. 2015. 21(12):749-761.

25. Ito H, Kawamura M, Badhwar N, Vedantham V, Tseng ZH, Lee BK, Lee RJ, Marcus GM, Gerstenfeld EP, and Scheinman MM. The Effect of Direct Current Stimulation versus T Wave Shock on Defibrillation Threshold Testing. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2015. 38(10):1173-1180

24. Kawamura M, JC Hsu, V Vedantham, GM Marcus, HH Hsia, EP Gerstenfeld, MM Scheinman, and N Badhwar. Clinical and Electrocardiographic Characteristics of Idiopathic Ventricular Arrhythmias with Right Bundle Branch Block and Superior Axis-Comparison of apical crux area and posterior-septal left ventricle. 2015. Heart Rhythm. 12(6):1137-1144.

23. Vedantham V, G Galang, M Evangelista, RC Deo and D Srivastava. RNA Sequencing of Mouse Sinoatrial Node Reveals an Upstream Regulatory Role for Islet-1 in Cardiac Pacemaker Cells. 2015. Circulation Research. 2015. 116:797-803.

22. Hoffmayer KS, Lee BK, Vedantham V, Bhimani AA, Cakulev IT, Mackall JA, Sahadevan J, Rho RQ, Scheinman MM. Variable Clinical Features and Ablation of Manifest Nodofascicular/Ventricular Pathways. Circ Arrhythm and Electrophysiol. 2015. 8(1):117-27.


21. Kawamura M, Gerstenfeld EP, Vedantham V, Rodrigues DM, Burkhardt JD, Kobayashi Y, Hsia HH, Marcus GM, Marchlinkski FE, Scheinman MM, Badhwar N. Idiopathic Ventricular Arrhythmia Originating from the Cardiac Crux or Inferior Septum - An Epicardial Idiopathic Ventricular Arrhythmia. Circ: Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2014. 7(6):1152-8

20. Hua LL, Vedantham V, Barnes RM, Hu J, Robinson AS, Bressan M, Srivastava D, and Black BL. Specification of the mouse cardiac conduction system in the absence of Endothelin signaling. Dev Biol. 2014. 393(2):245-54

19. Singh DK, Viswanathan MN, Tanel RE, Lee RJ, Lee BK, Marcus GM, Olgin JE, Han F, Vedantham V, Tseng ZH, Pellegrini C, Kawamura M, Gerstenfeld EP, Badhwar N, and Scheinman M. His Overdrive Pacing During Supraventricular Tachycardia: A Novel Maneuver for Distinguishing Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia from Atrioventricular Reciporicating Tachycardia. Heart Rhythm. 2014. 11(8):1327-35.

18. Stepanyan, G, Badhwar N, Lee RJ, Marcus GM, Lee BK, Tseng ZH, Vedantham V, Olgin J, Scheinman M, Gerstenfeld EP. Safety of new oral anticoagulants for patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2014. 40(1):33-8.

17. Kawamura M, Badhwar N, Vedantham V, Tseng ZH, Lee BK, Lee RJ, Marcus GM, Olgin JE, Gerstenfeld EP, Scheinman MM. Coupling Interval Dispersion and Body Mass Index are Independent Predictors of Idiopathic Premature Ventricular Complex Induced Cardiomyopathy. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2014. 25(7):756-62.

16. Kawamura M, Vedantham V, Dewland TA, Scheinman MM. Incessant long-RP tachycardia: What is the mechanism? Heart Rhythm. 2014. 11(5):904-6.

15. Judson MA, Costabel U, Drent M, Wells A, Maier L, Koth L, Shigemitsu H, Culver DA, Gelfand J, Valeyre D, Sweiss N, Crouser E, Morgenthau AS, Lower EE, Azuma A, Ishihara M, Morimoto S, Tetsuo Yamaguchi T, Shiiubo N, Grutters JC, Rosenbach M, Li HP, Rottoli P, Inoue Y, Prasse A, Baughman RP, Organ Assessment Instrument Investigators TW (includes Vedantham V). The WASOG Sarcoidosis Assessment Instrument: An update of a previous clinical tool. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis. 2014. 18(1):19-27


14. Hsu JC, Badhwar N, Gerstenfeld EP, Lee RJ, Mandyam MC, Dewland TA, Imburgia KE, Hoffmayer KS, Vedantham V, Lee BK, Tseng ZH, Scheinman MM, Olgin JE, Marcus GM. A Randomized Trial of Conventional Transseptal Needle versus Radiofrequency Energy Needle Puncture for Left Atrial Access (The TRAVERSE-LA Study). J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Sep 17; 2(5)e000428.

13. Vedantham V, WM Jackman, and MM Scheinman. Unexpected Potential Following Ablation of a Right Atriofascicular Accessory Pathway. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2013. 24(8):939-41.

12.Vedantham V, Evangelista M, Huang Y, and D Srivastava. Spatiotemporal Regulation of an Hcn4 Enhancer Defines a Role for Mef2 and HDACs in Cardiac Electrical Patterning. Dev Biol. 2013. 373(1):149-62


11. Qian L, Y Huang, CI Spencer, A Foley, V Vedantham, L Liu, SJ Conway, J-D Fu, and D Srivastava. In vivo reprogramming of murine cardiac fibroblasts into induced cardiomyocytes. 2012. Nature. 485:593-598.

10. Mandyam MC, V Vedantham , MM Scheinman, ZH Tseng, N Badhwar, BK Lee, RJ Lee, EP Gerstenfeld, JE Olgin, and GM Marcus. Alcohol and Vagal Tone as Triggers for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. Am J Cardiol. 2012. 110(3):364-368.

9.  Hsu JC, N Badhwar, BK Lee, V Vedantham, ZH Tseng, and GM Marcus. Predictors of Fluoroscopy Time and Procedural Failure During Biventricular Device Implantation. Am J Cardiol. 2012. 110(2):240-245.


8.  Nguyen DR, JZ Wang, V Vedantham, and N Badhwar. Odynophagia after atrial fibrillation ablation. Circulation. 2011. 123(8):e253-e254 .


7.   Ieda M, JD Fu, P Delgado-Olguin, V Vedantham, Y Hayashi, BG Bruneau, and D Srivastava. Direct Reprogramming of Fibroblasts into Functional Cardiomyocytes by Defined Factors. Cell. 2010. 142(3):375-386.

Before 2010

6.   Zhao Y, JF Ransom, A Li, V Vedantham, M von Drehle, AN Muth, T Tsuchihashi, MT McManus, RJ Schwartz, and D Srivastava. Dysregulation of Cardiogenesis, Cardiac Conduction, and Cell Cycle in Mice Lacking miRNA-1-2. Cell. 2007. 129(2):303-317.

5.   Vedantham V and SC Cannon. Rapid and Slow Voltage-Dependent Conformational Changes in Segment IVS6 of Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels. Biophys J. 2000. 78(6): 2943-2958.

4.  Vedantham V and SC Cannon. The Position of the Fast Inactivation Gate During Lidocaine Block of Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels. J Gen Physiol. 1999. 113: 7-16.

3.  Vedantham V and SC Cannon. Slow Inactivation Does Not Affect Movement of the Fast Inactivation Gate in Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels. J Gen Physiol. 1998. 111: 83-93.

2.  Stern CE, S Corkin, RG Gonzales, AR Guimaraes, JR Baker, PJ Jennings, CA Carr, RM Suguira, V Vedantham and BR Rosen. (1996) The hippocampal formation participates in novel picture encoding: Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1996. 93: 8660 - 8665

1.  Shiner D, R Dixson and V Vedantham. Three Nucleon Charge Radius: A Precise Laser Determination Using Helium-3. Physical Review Letters. 1995. 74(18): 3553-7.